- A FISH OUT OF WATER by Jessica Siegel
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A Sign of Spring: LLC's March 12 Convocation
LLC President Sheila Deming Brush
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this long, gray winter and looking forward to first signs of spring. Happily, LLC has one for us -- our Spring Convocation, which this year will be held March 12 at Temple Beth-El. This annual tradition offers an opportunity to talk with the spring coordinators about upcoming classes, to enjoy conversation s with long-time LLC friends and welcome our new members, and to hear a very timely talk by Kathy Cloutier, Executive Director of Dorcas International Institute.
For LLC members who have never attended a convocation, let me give you a brief overview. The front and rear doors of the Temple will be open at 10 am, with greeters inside the doors to welcome you. For the first hour there will be a "Coordinators' Open House" in the Temple lobby. The spring coordinators will be on hand to give you a preview of the exciting range of spring courses, and this is also time to chat with friends. Some members come for the full hour; others arrive a bit later. Around 10:45 am, we'll open the doors into the meeting hall where the speaking program and lunch will be held
Our speaking program will begin at 11:00 am. This year we are so pleased that Kathy Cloutier, the dynamic Executive Director of Dorcas International Institute, has made time in her very busy schedule to talk with us. One of Rhode Island's great strengths is the broad diversity of its population, enriched century after century, decade after decade by the arrival of immigrants seeking to make a new life in America. Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island has served for more than a century as a critical resource for both new arrivals and others who have been here for some time. The organization provides a wide range of services -- assistance in finding homes and employment, language classes, and legal advice and low-cost representation for citizenship and immigration processes, to name just a few. In these times, the immigrant community and the institutions that serve them are facing unprecedented challenges. For all of you who want to better understand those challenges and learn how we can help support immigrants in our Rhode Island community, this is an opportunity to hear from the organization that is working on the front lines. Their work is inspiring and so important.
Three important final notes: while "convocation" may sound like a formal event, LLC's Convocation is an informal gathering. Dress is what you would wear to class. If you cannot attend in person, you can register to attend the speaking program via Zoom Webinar. And for any new members attending the New Member Orientation, your morning will start at 9:15 a.m. There will be members of the Membership Committee at the doors from 9:00 on to welcome you.
Please remember that seating is limited and the reservation deadline is Thursday, February 27th.

From “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions:
Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois”
January 27, 1838
“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;--let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap--let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;--let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.”

Abraham Lincoln
February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865

Warm Memories: A Trip to Greece
from Jeanne Medeiros
All of the pictures are from the Peloponnese peninsula of southern Greece. They were all taken when we were staying in a lovely town called Finikounda.

Voidokilia Beach
This beautiful crescent- shaped white sand beach with crystal clear water abuts a lagoon called Gialova, an important migratory site for birds. It has a resident population of flamingoes -- I think the only ones in Europe!
The port city of Pylos
A beautiful city which was one of the locations where Richard Linklater’s film “Before Midnight” with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy was filmed. In fact, the whole movie was filmed in the southern Peloponnese.

Koroni Castle
A thirteenth century castle built by Venetians. Inside the walls of the castle are a Byzantine church, a monastery, and an old mosque.

A Fish Out of Water
By Jessica Siegel
When I was in college in Cleveland I had a dear friend. John was an amazing musician. That was our bond. He played multiple instruments and sang like Frank Sinatra.
John was a 6’2’ with a slim build. His smile lit up the room, his laughter made everyone around him smile. His eyes were doe-like, big and round, his lips were pillows around his mouth. He was warm, inviting, a great listener and a great talker.
Our lives never would have crossed paths without the shared passion for music. The world probably saw me as a middle-class woman with higher education, a good student, a strong circle of friends and a bright future.
John was a Black man. He grew up in abject poverty in the inner-city slums of Cleveland. He was a high school dropout, despite his intelligence. He went to work to help support his five siblings and single mother. Dad had disappeared when he was three. His musical talents helped him earn a living and a reputation among the Black churches throughout the greater Cleveland area.
Michel, a music professor at my school, met John and decided that he would be his mentor. Michael got John a scholarship to the university and recruited him into several of the school ensembles. John remained the same kind, empathic, helpful person. His reputation as a good guy and super talented musician rippled across campus. With a formal education, John became an even more prolific and creative composer. Still, every night, he retreated to his old neighborhood to help care for his family and spread joy through sharing his musical gifts.
I had lots of interactions with John around music. I was curious to see what he did at the churches he frequented. One day I asked him if I could join him at his church one Sunday. John was delighted to escort me to the service and introduce me to his fellow congregants.
So, this twenty- something, white, middle class, Jewish girl went to a Baptist church deep in the black, impoverished neighborhood in Cleveland. The church was in a nondescript one-story building that had just one big room. It reminded me of the stereotypical TV setting of an AA meeting. The walls had once been white, but now were tinged with a dull grey tone from age, dirt, and dust. Old sheets of cracked grey speckled linoleum covered the floor. Florescent lights gave the room a yellowish tint. The ceilings felt lower than the usual eight feet clearance. There was a musty, sweaty stench. A semi-circle of folding chairs was spread out across the room. The congregants were chit chatting noisily, calling out greetings to each other from across the room. Compared to the richly decorated, Baroque style synagogue I attended as a child, the room did not lead me to feel particularly inspired. I was beginning to feel quite out of place.
Once I settled into my chair, I realized that I was the sole white person in the church. I imagined how Black people might feel when entering the more affluent white neighborhoods of the city, walked the streets, went to school or to work. They must feel out of place. It wasn’t their world. I was feeling isolated and frightened like the proverbial fish out of water.
The service began with an inspirational blessing from the minister. There were lots of “amens” shouted out from the congregation to emphasize the message of the greeting. John was on the stage. He began to play the enormous Hammond organ, and everyone started singing.
No hymnals were needed. There were no prayer books. There was a beautiful, harmonious, communal voice of people shouting out their prayers and blessings, bursting into new songs, standing up, clapping, and dancing to share the word of G-d, their love of the Lord and for each other. I tried to imagine this in a synagogue setting and found myself laughing aloud.
Photo by Mark Foster on Unsplash
I stayed seated for a while, not sure what to do. My services at the synagogue were nothing like this. We read from a prayer book, chanted traditional prayers, listened quietly when the Rabbi spoke. We read from the Torah and listened to the meaning of the week’s reading. There was a synagogue choir that sang the songs while we sat back and listened to their harmonious voices. The synagogue was immaculately kept. Silver wine goblets and candle sticks were polished and bright. Stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Torah graced the walls. There was a gilded, domed ceiling high above the synagogue. The lights were soft white and low. There was never any shouting, loud chatter, or dancing.
I watched the members of John’s church reach into their souls to pray and celebrate their Lord. I marveled at the sheer joy and love that filled the church. It was palpable. Then the black woman next to me took my hand and encouraged me to stand up. She was bebopping around to the music. I decided to do the same thing. She shouted “amen” and “praise the Lord”. When I heard something meaningful from the spontaneous, improvised messages, I joined in with my voice shouting “amen” and “praise the lord”. Finally, I threw out a spontaneous prayer of my own and the people replied with fervor. It was magical to hear the “amens” and “praise the lord,” “you’re an angel,” and “welcome to our church” being called out to me.
Perhaps I was the first white, Jewish woman to cross the threshold of the church. It didn’t matter. The spirit inside was that we are all one. We all knew that the world needed healing, love, joy, prayer, empathy and more. The heartfelt messages echoed throughout the church. I looked up to see John. His face was beaming, and a halo of light surrounded his body. His music had become a bit jazzy and raucous. Our eyes locked in on each other and we simultaneously mouthed “I love you” to each other. I left with several new acquaintances and a new feeling that the world was a harmonious place filled with possibilities for love and joy.
I returned to the church several more times and brought others with me to share the experience. It’s been forty years since my last visit to the Neighborhood Baptist Church. In my mind’s eye, I can still see and hear the sights and sounds of the best religious service of my life. It reminds me to sing with fervor and joy, to love the people around me and to allow myself to bathe in the spirit of togetherness.
Copyright Jessica Siegel February 7, 2025

Narragansett Bay Symphony Winter Concert
March 2, 2025
3 PM
East Greenwich High School
Herryman-Rodriguez Un Danzon a Mi Manera (a Danzon My Way)
Chopin Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op.11 with piano soloist Gideon Rubin
Prokofiev Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor Op. 131
Guest Conductor: Luis Viquez
Tickets are “Pay what you wish” at the door or at nabsco.org.
For more information nabsco.org or 401-274-4578

Warm Thoughts for a Winter's Day
Dust of Snow
by Robert Frost
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

Photo by rudabeger on Freeimages.com
Places [III. Winter Sun]
by Sara Teasdale
There was a bush with scarlet berries,
And there were hemlocks heaped with snow.
With a sound like surf on long sea-beaches
They took the wind and let it go.
The hills were shining in their samite,
Fold after fold they flowed away;
“Let come what may,” your eyes were saying,
“At least we two have had to-day.”

Photo by stylesr1 on Freeimages.com
Winter Trees
by William Carlos Williams
All the complicated details
of the attiring and
the disattiring are completed!
A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping in the cold.

Photo by Aaron Thomas on Unsplash