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The Lark: Vol 1, Issue 16, May 2022 Special Edition


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

An Invitation from
Temple Beth-El
Congregation Sons of Israel and David
and the
African American Ambassador Group
City of Providence

Join us for
Truth, Reconciliation & Reparations
Thursday, June 2 at 12 PM


Keith Stokes, co-author of "A Matter of Truth: The Struggle for African Heritage & Indigenous People Equal Rights in Providence, Rhode Island (1620-2020)" will present with Judy Kaye, a representative of the city's African American Ambassadors Group, to facilitate a discussion about the process.

This Lunch & Learn will be multi-access, in-person and via Zoom. 

Click here to register.


From the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Report by Sheila Brush

Joe Fisler, Nondas Voll and Sheila Brush, representing LLC, attended a meeting with the Village Commons and the RI Foundation. Angela Ankoma of RIF talked about the various RIF initiatives. Sheila commented on how much progress has been made in a short time. Mentoring program for young leaders of color is up and running successfully, as is an initiative to increase the number of teachers of color in Providence schools. Nondas noted RIF’s planned program to provide Executive Directors from organizations representing people of color with mentoring and assistance in strengthening their organizations.


Dorcas International Centennial Celebration

dorcas invite

To learn more about Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island’s work and services, please visit
