In LLC’s hybrid classes, participants attend the same class in the same classroom either by attending in-person (face to face) or attending via Zoom. (Zoom is easy and free to class members. If you have not used Zoom, click here for a helpful introduction video.) Participants decide in which manner they will attend the class for a given semester when they register for the class.
In LLC’s hybrid class, a technology assistant manages a special camera that projects classroom participants to Zoomers so that they are clearly heard and visually recognizable, and so that the Zoomers are clearly heard and visually recognizable to those in the classroom. In addition, thanks to computer and Zoom technology, all class materials can be shared and displayed to everyone, including slideshows, videos, graphical displays, recordings, etc.
In LLC’s hybrid class, the in-person group attends class at Temple Beth-El (70 Orchard Avenue, Providence, RI 02906). The Zoom group attends from their homes or other convenient locations.
In LLC’s hybrid class, participants may choose the venue that best suits their learning style or that best fits their ability to attend class in person or from a distance. Guest speakers are easily accommodated. Week-to-week attendance is higher because participants are committed from the beginning to their chosen method of participating. The technology enables two ways to choose to attend while preserving what is best about an LLC class: Lots of stimulating discussion and great presentations.
“LLC has become my ‘community’ where I have friends from across the state... a variety of courses to choose from at a very reasonable price.”
Kathy Webster, Smithfield

In-person or on Zoom