What Would You Like to Learn?
LLC offers about 75 courses each year on dozens of topics ranging from academics to the arts – plus some for self-improvement and some just for fun. Courses run from four weeks to ten weeks, some in-person at Temple Beth-El or other convenient locations, others on Zoom, and a few hybrid courses available both in-person and on Zoom. Catalogs are issued online for each of four seasonal sessions (see key dates for upcoming semesters).
You must be a member of LLC to register for classes. Membership is $40 annually. Learn more.
Our courses are led by volunteer coordinators and taught by the participants. This collaborative learning system is one of the things that make LLC special in the eyes of our members.
“I really like the way this is done, how it’s taught, how it’s learned. I’m astounded at how much I’ve learned in the Cell Phone Camera Club. For me, it’s also been social, getting to know people.”
Elizabeth Siftar, Foxboro, MA
Cover photography, “Lift Off,” was taken by Martha Nielsen in our Cell Phone Photography class last summer. Martha has been a member of LLC for eight years and has taken nine photography classes and several music and literature classes.
Come learn with us!

In our Lights, Camera, Action: Unforgettable Fashion on the Silver Screen! course (Fall 2024), Karen Borger and Jill Tobak conducted a live interview with no less than Elizabeth Taylor herself (graciously played by Ronnie Golden Engle, Fashion Stylist/Proprietor of the Salons of Beauty at RGE in Warwick, RI). The presentation shed light on the importance of a screen legend who not only dazzled in beautiful costumes over a long career but also made an enduring contribution as a pioneer in the critical cause of international AIDS research. Lights, Camera, Action was coordinated by Kip Brott, Celene Healy, and Laura Tucker.
Click to view/print the Spring 2025 catalog (PDF).
Spring semester underway.
Look for our Summersession catalog on May 5; registration opens Mon, May 12 @ 9 AM. Classes start the week of June 16.
- We’re pleased to offer Zoom* courses and in-person courses this semester at Temple Beth-El (70 Orchard Ave, Providence, RI 02906). There are two hybrid courses (Zoom/in-person simultaneously): Knitting and Ticket to the Opera.
- In-person classes are in BOLD at Temple Beth-El (TBE) or other sites in RI/MA.
- Since LLC does not maintain insurance for off-site courses held outside of the Temple, participants must sign a mandatory waiver.**
- If you would like to enroll in a course but know you will miss more than two classes, please consider waiting until another session.
For direct links to register, click the course titles below.
Open Studio Art (AM) (Also offered in-person on Tues AM)
Absurd Comedies, Volume II (AM)
Open Studio Art (AM) – TBE (Also offered on Zoom on Mon AM)
Israel: A Nation Reborn (AM)
Whodunit? Match Wits with the Masters of Detection (AM) – TBE
Smorgasbord: Films about Food and Wine (AM)
A Burning World: Wildfires/Climate Change – CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT
The Greatest Music You’ve Never Heard (PM) – TBE
Cell Phone Photography Club (PM) – TBE
The Collapse of Election Polling (PM) – CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT
Alexander Technique (PM) – TBE / **WAIVER REQ'D
Scrabble Social Group (PM) – TBE
Reading Plays Aloud: Families (AM) – TBE
Paint Like a Woman, 19th and 20th Century Women Artists, Part II (AM) – TBE
Writing a Memoir/Zoom (AM)
Hot Topics (PM)
LLC Knits/Hybrid: In-person (PM) – TBE
LLC Knits/Hybrid: Zoom (PM)
Theater Conversations (AM) – TBE
Short Stories by 20th Century Native American Authors (AM) – TBE
Block Island, Then and Now (PM) – TBE
Ticket to the Opera: Short and (NOT) Sweet/Hybrid: In-person (PM) – TBE
Ticket to the Opera: Short and (NOT) Sweet/Hybrid: Zoom (PM)
Writing a Memoir/In-person (PM) – TBE (Also offered on Zoom on Wed AM)
Get Fit at Home (AM) **WAIVER REQ'D
Explore Fox Point, Meet Jane Jacobs, and Co-Lead a Walking Conversation (AM) – TBE & Fox Point
*COVID vaccination is a mandatory requirement for attending in-person classes. By the act of registering for an in-person class you will be attesting to being vaccinated. Masks are optional in the Temple and classrooms, and classrooms will be at less than full capacity. We’ll keep current with trends and regulations and may change as needed. Zoom is easy to use and free to class members. If you have not used Zoom, here is a helpful introduction video.
If you would like to enroll in a course but know you will miss more than two classes, please consider waiting until another session.
RECORDING POLICY: LLC does not permit recording of classes due to the resulting inhibition of free and comfortable exchange of ideas and opinions. Any exceptions must be approved by the LLC President.
PHOTO AND VIDEO PERMISSION: As LLC expands its efforts to attract new members, the Marketing Committee will occasionally seek to gather images and comments of members for use in promotional materials. By registering for an LLC class, you give permission for your image and/or comments to appear in photographs and videos taken during the class, to be used by LLC in any medium, including online and in print. Read entire UPDATED REGISTRATION POLICY.
Key Dates for Upcoming Semesters

Summersession 2025
Catalog announcement Mon, May 5.
Registration opens Mon, May 12 @ 9 AM.
Classes start week of June 16.
Class Calendar
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
0 events,
5 events,
Jewish Style Baking
Jewish Style Baking
Private kitchen of LLC member Eastside Providence, RI - address provided upon registration