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Course Disclaimer

Some of our courses may involve some motion, stretching, or floor exercises. For those courses, we require participants to sign a mandatory waiver prior to starting the course acknowledging that Lifelong Learning Collaborative and its members will not be responsible for loss, injury or other damage that may occur during this course.

Your registration is not finalized until we receive the signed waiver. Read the statement and complete the form below.

Fill out the form below in its entirety if you have read and agree to the following statement:*

Participation in this course is entirely at my own risk.

I am aware that neither Lifelong Learning Collaborative nor its members have insurance that would apply to this activity. I acknowledge that neither Lifelong Learning Collaborative nor its members, nor the instructor, will be responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may occur during this course and waive any such claims against Lifelong Learning Collaborative or its members.

*Your initials serve as your legally binding electronic signature. By initialing the form, you acknowledge that you have read and fully understand the Disclaimer of Liability. This agreement shall be binding on you, your spouse, your children, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns.

Fields marked with an * are required